Bitget Login

Login your account to Bitget and verify your basic account information, provide ID documentation, and upload a selfie/portrait. Be sure to secure your Bitget account - while we do everything to keep your account secure, you also have the power to increase the security of your Bitget account.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

How to Login Account in Bitget

How to Login to Bitget with Phone number or Email

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

2. Enter your Email / Phone Number and Password.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. Perform the verification procedure.

How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

4. Confirm that you are using the right website URL.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

5. After that, you can successfully use your Bitget account to trade.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

How to Login to Bitget with your Google account

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

2. Select [Google] icon, a pop-up window will appear, and you will be prompted to sign in to Bitget using your Google account.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. A pop-up window will appear, and you will be prompted to sign in to Bitget using your Google account.
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
4. Perform the verification procedure.
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

5. If you already have a Bitget account, choose [Link existing Bitget account], if you haven’t got a Bitget account, choose [Sign up for a new Bitget account].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget


Link existing Bitget account:

6. Log in to the existing Bitget account with your Email / Mobile number and Password.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
7. Perform the verification procedure if prompted, and you will be confirmed that your accounts have been linked. Click [OK] and you will be directed to the dashboard.
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

Sign up for a new Bitget account

6. Agree to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, then click [Sign up]
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
7. Perform the verification procedure if prompted, and you will be directed to the homepage.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

How to Login to Bitget with your Apple account

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

2. Click the [Apple] button.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. Enter your Apple ID and password to sign in to Bitget.

How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

4. Click [Continue].

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

5. If you already have a Bitget account, choose [Link existing Bitget account], if you haven’t got a Bitget account, choose [Sign up for a new Bitget account].

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

6. Perform the verification procedure if prompted, and you will be directed to the homepage.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

How to Login to Bitget with your Telegram account

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
2. Click on the [Telegram] button.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. A sign-in window will be opened, where you put in your phone number. Then click [Next].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

4. Open your Telegram and confirm.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

5. Read and agree to Bitget’s User Agreement and Privacy Policy, and click [Sign up].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

6. After that, you will be automatically redirected to the Bitget platform.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

How to Login on the Bitget app

More than 70% of traders are trading the markets on their phones. Join them to react to every market movement as it happens.

1. Install Bitget app on Google Play or App Store.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

2. Click on the [Avatar], choose [Log in].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. After installation and launching, you may log in to the Bitget app by using your email address, phone number, Apple ID or Google account.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

4. Perform the verification procedure.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

5. Type in the verification code that has been sent to your account.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

6. You will be directed to the dashboard and you can start trading.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

I forgot my password from the Bitget account

You can reset your account password from the Bitget website or App. Please note that for security reasons, withdrawals from your account will be suspended for 24 hours after a password reset.

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
2. On the login page, click [Forgot your password?].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. Put in your email or mobile number, then click [Next].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

4. Complete the verification procedure, then type in the verification code that has been sent to your Google account.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

5. Enter your new password, then click [Next].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget


  • Your password must contain 8-32 characters

  • At least one number

  • At least one uppercase letter

  • At least one special character (Only support: ~`!@#$%^*()_-+={}[]|;:,.?/)

6. After the password is successfully reset, click [Return to login] and perform log in like usual with the new password.
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

If you are using the App, follow the instructions below.

1. Click on the avatar and [Forgot your password?]
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
2. Enter your account email or phone number and click [Continue].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. Complete the verification procedure.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

4. Enter the verification code you received in your email or SMS, and click [Reset password] to continue.


  • If your account is registered with an email and you have enabled SMS 2FA, you can reset your password through your mobile number.

  • If your account is registered with a mobile number and you have enabled email 2FA, you can reset the login password using your email.

5. Enter your new password and click [Next].

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget


  • Your password must contain 8-32 characters

  • At least one number

  • At least one uppercase letter

  • At least one special character (Only support: ~`!@#$%^*()_-+={}[]|;:,.?/)

6. Your password has been reset successfully. Please use the new password to log in to your account.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Bitget 2FA | How to set up Google Authenticator Code

Learn how to set up Google Authenticator for Bitget 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) and enhance the security of your Bitget account. Follow our step-by-step guide to enable Google Authenticator and protect your assets with an additional layer of verification.

1. Download the Google Authenticator APP (In App Store or Google Play)

2. Visit Bitget APP or Bitget PC

3. Log in to the Bitget account

4. Visit the personal center-Google verification

5. Use Google Authenticator to scan the QR code or manually enter the verification code

6. Complete binding

What Should Be Done If I Cannot Receive The Verification Code or Other Notifications?

If you cannot receive a mobile phone verification code, email verification code or other notifications when using Bitget, please try the following methods.

1. Mobile phone verification code

(1) Please try to click send verification code several times and wait

(2) Check whether it is blocked by third-party software on the mobile phone

(3) Looking for help from online customer service

2. Mail verification code

(1) Check whether it is blocked by the mail spam box

(2) Looking for help from online customer service

[Contact Us]

Customer Services:[email protected]

Market Cooperation:[email protected]

Quantitative Market Maker Cooperation: [email protected]

How to Verify Account in Bitget

Where can I get my account verified?

If you’re using a PC, log into your account and hover over your avatar. Then click on [Identity verification].

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
If you’re using the Bitget app, go to your Dashboard and click on [Verify].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

How to complete Identity Verification? A step-by-step guide

1. Log in to your Bitget account, go to Dashboard - [Identity verification].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

2. Here you can see [Business verification], and [Individual Verification] and their respective deposit and withdrawal limits.
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

3. Click [Verify] to start the verifying process.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

4. Select your country of residence. Please ensure that your country of residence is consistent with your ID documents. Choose the type of ID and the country your documents were issued. Most users can choose to verify with a passport, ID card, or driving license. Please refer to the respective options offered for your country.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

If you wish to continue using the mobile version, you can click on [Mobile verification] scan the QR code. If you want to continue using the desktop version, click on [PC].
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

5. Enter your personal information and click [Continue].
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

6. Upload a photo of your ID. Depending on your selected country/region and ID type, you may be required to upload either a document (front) or photo (front and back).
How to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in BitgetHow to Login and Verify Account in Bitget


  • Make sure that the document photo clearly displays the user’s full name and date of birth.
  • Documents must not be edited in any way.

7. Complete facial recognition.

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget
8. After completing the facial recognition verification, please patiently wait for the results. You will be notified of the results by email and or via your website inbox.
How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is identity verification necessary

Identity verification is a process used by financial institutions and other regulated organizations to verify your identity. Bitget will verify your identity and conduct a risk assessment to mitigate risk.

How is identity verification related to my access to Bitget services?

As of September 1, 2023, all new users are required to complete level 1 identity verification to access various Bitget services, which include, but are not limited to, depositing and trading digital assets.

As of October 1, 2023, existing users who registered before September 1, 2023, will be unable to make deposits if they haven’t completed level 1 identity verification. However, their ability to trade and make withdrawals will remain unaffected.

How much can I withdraw per day after completing the identity verification?

For users of different VIP levels, there is a difference in the withdrawal amount after completing identity verification:

How to Login and Verify Account in Bitget

I cannot find my location in the country list. Why?

Bitget does not provide services to users from the following countries/regions: Canada (Ontario), Crimea, Cuba, Hong Kong, Iran, North Korea, Singapore, Sudan, Syria, and the United States.

How long does the identity verification process take?

The identity verification process consists of two steps: data submission and review. For data submission, you only need to take a few minutes to upload your ID and pass the face verification. Bitget will review your information upon receipt. The review may take as short as several minutes or as long as an hour, depending on the country and type of ID document you choose. If it takes longer than one hour, contact customer service to check the progress.

Why can’t I make a deposit through my bank after completing identity verification?

If you have completed identity verification through a manual review process, you will not be able to deposit through a bank.

What documents can I use to complete the identity verification?

For level 1 identity verification, you can use documents such as an ID card, passport, driver’s license, or residence permit. You can view the specific types of documents supported after selecting your issuing country.