How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Signing in and withdrawing funds from your Bitget account are crucial aspects of managing your cryptocurrency portfolio securely. This guide will walk you through the seamless process of signing in and making a withdrawal on Bitget, ensuring a safe and efficient experience.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sign in to Bitget

How to Sign in to Bitget with Phone number or Email

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

2. Enter your Email / Phone Number and Password.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Perform the verification procedure.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Confirm that you are using the right website URL.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. After that, you can successfully use your Bitget account to trade.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sign in to Bitget with your Google account

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

2. Select [Google] icon, a pop-up window will appear, and you will be prompted to sign in to Bitget using your Google account.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. A pop-up window will appear, and you will be prompted to sign in to Bitget using your Google account.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
4. Perform the verification procedure.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. If you already have a Bitget account, choose [Link existing Bitget account], if you haven’t got a Bitget account, choose [Sign up for a new Bitget account].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget


Link existing Bitget account:

6. Log in to the existing Bitget account with your Email / Mobile number and Password.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
7. Perform the verification procedure if prompted, and you will be confirmed that your accounts have been linked. Click [OK] and you will be directed to the dashboard.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Sign up for a new Bitget account

6. Agree to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, then click [Sign up]
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
7. Perform the verification procedure if prompted, and you will be directed to the homepage.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sign in to Bitget with your Apple account

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

2. Click the [Apple] button.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Enter your Apple ID and password to sign in to Bitget.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Click [Continue].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. If you already have a Bitget account, choose [Link existing Bitget account], if you haven’t got a Bitget account, choose [Sign up for a new Bitget account].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

6. Perform the verification procedure if prompted, and you will be directed to the homepage.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sign in to Bitget with your Telegram account

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. Click on the [Telegram] button.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. A sign-in window will be opened, where you put in your phone number. Then click [Next].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Open your Telegram and confirm.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. Read and agree to Bitget’s User Agreement and Privacy Policy, and click [Sign up].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

6. After that, you will be automatically redirected to the Bitget platform.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sign in on the Bitget app

More than 70% of traders are trading the markets on their phones. Join them to react to every market movement as it happens.

1. Install Bitget app on Google Play or App Store.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

2. Click on the [Avatar], choose [Log in].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. After installation and launching, you may log in to the Bitget app by using your email address, phone number, Apple ID or Google account.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Perform the verification procedure.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. Type in the verification code that has been sent to your account.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

6. You will be directed to the dashboard and you can start trading.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

I forgot my password from the Bitget account

You can reset your account password from the Bitget website or App. Please note that for security reasons, withdrawals from your account will be suspended for 24 hours after a password reset.

1. Go to Bitget and click [Log in] on the top right corner.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

2. On the login page, click [Forgot your password?].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Put in your email or mobile number, then click [Next].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Complete the verification procedure, then type in the verification code that has been sent to your Google account.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. Enter your new password, then click [Next].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget


  • Your password must contain 8-32 characters
  • At least one number
  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one special character (Only support: ~`!@#$%^*()_-+={}[]|;:,.?/)

6. After the password is successfully reset, click [Return to login] and perform log in like usual with the new password.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

If you are using the App, follow the instructions below.

1. Click on the avatar and [Forgot your password?]
How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. Enter your account email or phone number and click [Continue].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Complete the verification procedure.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Enter the verification code you received in your email or SMS, and click [Reset password] to continue.


  • If your account is registered with an email and you have enabled SMS 2FA, you can reset your password through your mobile number.
  • If your account is registered with a mobile number and you have enabled email 2FA, you can reset the login password using your email.

5. Enter your new password and click [Next].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget


  • Your password must contain 8-32 characters
  • At least one number
  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one special character (Only support: ~`!@#$%^*()_-+={}[]|;:,.?/)

6. Your password has been reset successfully. Please use the new password to log in to your account.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Bitget 2FA | How to set up Google Authenticator Code

Learn how to set up Google Authenticator for Bitget 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) and enhance the security of your Bitget account. Follow our step-by-step guide to enable Google Authenticator and protect your assets with an additional layer of verification.

1. Download the Google Authenticator APP (In App Store or Google Play)

2. Visit Bitget APP or Bitget PC

3. Log in to the Bitget account

4. Visit the personal center-Google verification

5. Use Google Authenticator to scan the QR code or manually enter the verification code

6. Complete binding

What Should Be Done If I Cannot Receive The Verification Code or Other Notifications?

If you cannot receive a mobile phone verification code, email verification code or other notifications when using Bitget, please try the following methods.

1. Mobile phone verification code

(1) Please try to click send verification code several times and wait

(2) Check whether it is blocked by third-party software on the mobile phone

(3) Looking for help from online customer service

2. Mail verification code

(1) Check whether it is blocked by the mail spam box

(2) Looking for help from online customer service

[Contact Us]

Customer Services:[email protected]

Market Cooperation:[email protected]

Quantitative Market Maker Cooperation: [email protected]

How to Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sell Crypto through Cash conversion

Sell Crypto through Cash conversion on Bitget (Web)

1. Log in to your Bitget account and click [Buy Crypto] - [Cash conversion].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget2. Click [Sell]. Select the fiat currency and the cryptocurrency you want to sell. Enter the amount then click [Sell USDT].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Select your payment method. Click [Manage cards] to choose from your existing cards or add a new card and input the required information.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Check the payment details and confirm your order within 60 seconds, click [Confirm] to proceed. After 60 seconds, the price and the amount of crypto you will get will be recalculated.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. Follow the confirmation of the payment platform and you will be directed back to Bitget after completing the transaction.

Sell Crypto through Cash conversion on Bitget (App)

1. Log in to your Bitget App and tap [Add funds] - [Cash conversion].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. In [Cash conversion], tap [Sell]. Then select the crypto you want to sell and tap [Sell USDT].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Select your receive method. Tap [Change card] to choose from your existing cards or [Add a new card], where you will be required to put in the information.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
4. Check the payment details and confirm your order within 60 seconds, click [Confirm] to proceed. After 60 seconds, the price and the amount of crypto you will get will be recalculated.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sell Crypto on Bitget P2P

Sell Crypto on Bitget P2P (Web)

1. Log in to your Bitget account. To sell USDT, you must transfer your funds from Spot to P2P wallet. Click on [Assets] on the top left corner and then click on [Transfer].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. Select Coin as ‘USDT’, choose [From ‘Spot’] , [To ‘P2P’] and insert the quantity you want to transfer, (click ‘All’ if you want to transfer all the available funds) and then click [Confirm].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Click the [Buy Crypto] button at the top of the homepage - [P2P trading].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Click the [Sell] button, select [USDT] for ‘Crypto’ and [INR] for ‘Fiat’ and this will show you a list of all the available buyers. Find the buyers that suit your requirement (i.e. the price and quantity they are willing to purchase) and click [Sell].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. Enter the quantity of USDT that you want to sell and the lump sum will be calculated as per the price set by the buyer.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

6. Fill in the information on ‘Add payment methods’ (UPI or Bank Transfer depending on the buyer’s preference).
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
7. Provide the fund password and then click [Save and use].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
8. Then click on [Sell] and you will see a pop up screen for Security verification. Insert your ‘Funding Code’ and click [Confirm] to complete the transaction.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

9. Upon confirmation, you will be redirected to a confirmation page with the details of this transaction and the lump sum the buyer is paying.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget


10. Once the buyer has deposited the amount successfully, please double check if you have received the funds. You can also chat with the buyer in the chat box on the right.

After the payment is confirmed, you can click the [Confirm and release] button to release the USDT to the buyer.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Sell Crypto on Bitget P2P (App)

1. Log in to the Bitget App. Click the [Buy Crypto] - [P2P trading] button on the first page of the app.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. Click on the ‘Sell’ category located at the top. Select the Ad of P2P Merchant and click the [Sell] button.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
3. Enter the selling amount (after checking the minimum or maximum amount). Click the [Sell USDT] button.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
4. Select the ‘Payment Method’ supported by the buyer and click the [Confirm Sell] button. Buyer will pay within the transaction deadline and check the deposit.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

5. After checking the deposit, click the [Release] button.

*Click the ’Speech Balloon’ button at the top right to open the chat window as follows.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
6. Confirm your Release and enter ‘Fund password’. Tick the confirm box and click [Confirm].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
7. Review your transaction history through this page and Click the [View assets] button to check your Released asset.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Withdraw Crypto from Bitget

Withdraw Crypto on Bitget (Web)

1. Log into your Bitget account, click on the [Wallet] symbol located at the top right corner, and select [Withdraw].
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Notes: Withdrawals are only permitted from your spot account.

2. Enter Withdrawal Details

On-chain withdrawal

For external wallet withdrawals, opt for the ‘On-chain’ option. Then, provide:

Coin: Select the asset you wish to withdraw

Network: Choose the appropriate blockchain for your transaction.

Withdrawal Address: Input the address of your external wallet or pick one from your saved addresses.

Amount: Specify how much you’d like to withdraw.

Click [Withdraw] to move forward.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Important: Ensure the receiving address matches the network. For instance, when withdrawing USDT via TRC-20, the receiving address should be TRC-20 specific. Errors can lead to irreversible loss of funds.

Verification Process: For security reasons, you’ll need to verify your request through:

Email code

SMS code / Fund code

Google Authenticator code

Internal withdrawal

If you want to make an internal transfer to another Bitget account, opt to the ‘Internal transfer’ tab.

For internal transfers, it’s free and fast, and you can simply use an email address, mobile number, or a Bitget UID instead of the on-chain address.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. After completing the withdrawal process, you can head to ’Assets’ to check your assets and review transactions. 

To check your withdrawal history, scroll down to the end of the ‘Withdraw records’.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Processing Times: While internal transfers are immediate, external transfers vary based on the network and its current load. Generally, they range from 30 minutes to an hour. However, during peak traffic times, expect potential delays.

Withdraw Crypto on Bitget (App)

1. Open your Bitget app and log in. Locate and tap the [Assets] option at the bottom right of the main menu. You will be presented with several options. Choose [Withdraw]. Select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw, e.g., USDT.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. Specify withdrawal details, you can choose either [On-chain withdrawal] or [Internal transfer].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

On-chain withdrawal

For external wallet withdrawals, opt for the [On-chain withdrawal] option.

Then, provide:

Network: Choose the appropriate blockchain for your transaction.

Withdrawal Address: Input the address of your external wallet or pick one from your saved addresses. Not sure where to get the address? Check out this quick guide.

Amount: Specify how much you’d like to withdraw.

Click [Withdraw] to move forward.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Important: Ensure the receiving address matches the network. For instance, when withdrawing USDT via TRC-20, the receiving address should be TRC-20 specific. Errors can lead to irreversible loss of funds.

Verification Process: For security reasons, you’ll need to verify your request through:

Email code

SMS code

Google Authenticator code

Internal withdrawal

If you want to make an internal transfer to another Bitget account, opt to the ‘Internal transfer’ tab.

For internal transfers, it’s free and fast, and you can simply use an email address, mobile number, or a Bitget UID instead of the on-chain address.

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
3. After completing the withdrawal process, to check your withdrawal history, select the ’Bill’ icon.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Processing Times: While internal transfers are immediate, external transfers vary based on the network and its current load. Generally, they range from 30 minutes to an hour. However, during peak traffic times, expect potential delays.

How to Withdraw Fiat Currency from Bitget

Withdraw Fiat via SEPA on Bitget (Web)

1. Navigate to [Buy Crypto], then hover your mouse over the ’Pay with’ section to browse the fiat currency menu. Select your preferred fiat currency and click on [Bank Deposit] - [Fiat Withdraw].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. Select the type of fiat currency and the amount you wish to withdraw.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from BitgetHow to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Confirm the withdrawal details.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

4. Complete the secure verification to continue processing your withdrawal.  You have successfully submitted a withdrawal request. You will generally receive the funds after one working day. Withdrawals through fast transfer or payment methods may arrive in as fast as ten minutes.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

Withdraw Fiat via SEPA on Bitget (App)

The process of withdrawing Fiat via SEPA on the Bitget app is very similar from the website. 

1. Log in to your Bitget account and go to [Assets] - [Withdraw].

How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
2. Click on [Fiat] and choose your preferred currency.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget

3. Click on [Fiat withdraw] and you will get to the Withdrawal interface that is the same as the website. Please follow the same process and you will complete the withdrawal with ease.
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget
How to Sign in and Withdraw from Bitget


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the bank withdrawal processing times

Withdrawal time and processing details:

Availability Withdrawal Type New Processing Time Processing Fee Minimum Withdrawal Maximum Withdrawal
EUR SEPA Within 2 working days 0.5 EUR 15 4,999
EUR SEPA Instant Immediate 0.5 EUR 15 4,999
GBP Faster Payments Service Immediate 0.5 GBP 15 4,999
BRL PIX Immediate 0 BRL 15 4,999

Terms and Conditions :

1. Ouitrust includes the SEPA and Faster Payments Service. Only EEA and UK residents are eligible to use these services.

2. It is recommended to use the Faster Payments Service to transfer GBP, and the SEPA for EUR. Other payment methods (e.g. SWIFT) may incur a larger fee or take longer to process.

What are the withdrawal limits for users

To enhance risk management and bolster the security of users’ assets, Bitget will be implementing adjustments to the withdrawal limits for users starting from September 1, 2023, at 10:00 AM (UTC+8).

Limit for users who haven’t completed KYC verification:

US$50,000 worth of assets per day

US$100,000 worth of assets per month

Limit for users who have completed KYC verification:

VIP Level Daily Withdrawal Limit
Non-VIP US $3,000,000 worth of assets
VIP 1 US $6,000,000 worth of assets
VIP 2 US $8,000,000 worth of assets
VIP 3 US $10,000,000 worth of assets
VIP 4 US $12,000,000 worth of assets
VIP 5 US $15,000,000 worth of assets

What to do if I didn’t receive the payment from P2P

You may file an appeal if you do not receive the payment 10 minutes after the Buyer clicks the “Paid” button; reject the transaction, and refund the payment if the Buyer clicks the “Paid” button when the payment is not yet made or completed, the payment cannot be received within 2 hours, or the order is cancelled after the payment is made.

Please carefully check whether the real-name information of the Buyer’s payment account is consistent with that on the Platform when you receive the payment. In case of any inconsistency, the Seller has the right to request the Buyer and the payer to conduct video KYC with their ID cards or passports, etc. If an appeal is filed to such an order, the Seller may reject the transaction and refund the payment. If the User accepts non-real-name verified payment, causing the counterparty’s payment account to be frozen, the Platform will investigate the source of the funds in question, and has the right to directly freeze the User’s account on the Platform.