How to Contact Bitget Support

Bitget, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange platform, is dedicated to providing top-tier services to its users. However, as with any digital platform, there may come a time when you need assistance or have inquiries related to your account, trading, or transactions. In such cases, it is essential to know how to contact Bitget Support for prompt and efficient resolution of your concerns. This guide will walk you through the various channels and steps to reach Bitget Support.
How to Contact Bitget Support

Contact to Bitget by Chat

If you already have an account in Bitget trading platform you can contact support directly by 24/7 chat.
How to Contact Bitget Support

On the right side you can find Bitget support by chat. Click on the chat icon and you will be able to start chat with Bitget support by chat.
How to Contact Bitget Support

Contact to Bitget by Submitting a Request

Another way to contact Bitget support is Submit a feedback. To access it, first scroll down to the page footers, then click [Submit Feedback].

How to Contact Bitget Support
You will be directed to the feedback page, scroll down and fill in the form.
How to Contact Bitget Support
Choose the [Category] that coincides with your problem, describe the details, upload a photo and contact details if you wish. Then click [Confirm] once you’re done.
How to Contact Bitget Support

Contact Bitget by Facebook

Bitget has a Facebook page so you may contact them directly via the Facebook page: You can comment on Bitget posts on Facebook or you can send them messages by clicking the button [Send Message].
How to Contact Bitget Support

Contact Bitget by X (formally Twitter)

Bitget has a X page so you may contact them directly via X page:
How to Contact Bitget Support

Contact Bitget by other Social networks

You can contact them other social networks on the page footers.

How to Contact Bitget Support
  • Discord:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Reddit:
  • Instagram:

Bitget Help Center

You can access the Frequently Asked Questions by hovering over the square icon, and click on [FAQs].

How to Contact Bitget Support